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Skin Cancer Clinic in Brisbane: Specialized Care for Skin Cancer Detection and Treatment

Two out of three skin cancers if diagnosed and treated early can be successfully curable. If you have a suspicious mole, or sun spots, you should see a skin cancer specialist for a full body skin check. This could save your life, especially in Queensland where we have the highest rate of melanomas in the world.

Our doctors have extensive postgraduate training and practice specifically in skin cancer medicine, checking thousands of moles every week and diagnosing melanomas at their earliest stages when they are still highly curable. They are accredited by the Skin Cancer Clinic Brisbane College of Australasia and have a passion for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers, in particular melanomas.

We are committed to providing quality patient care, clinical excellence and affordable service in the prevention, diagnosis and management of skin cancers. This includes the management of melanomas and other skin lesions that may be pre-cancerous or cancerous. We are proud to offer Bulk Billing to all Medicare and Veteran Affairs card holders so you have no out of pocket expenses for your appointment, a service which is unavailable from general practitioners in some rural communities.

When a mole is found to be potentially cancerous, we will remove the lesion with a shot of numbing medication and send it away for biopsy testing. This will help us know if it is a basal cell carcinoma BCC squamous cell carcinoma SCC or melanoma.

Depending on the outcome of the biopsy, we will discuss with you what the next steps will be. We will then advise you about the options available for your skin cancer treatment. These might include cryotherapy freezing, excision cutting out the tumour and radiotherapy radiating the area with high doses of UV radiation.

If a melanoma is found, we can perform a biopsy under local anaesthetic using a fine needle or surgically excise it. We can also use photodynamic therapy to treat the area, a non-invasive treatment which involves the skin being exposed to light. We can use a special laser that is activated by the light to destroy any malignant cells.

It can be distressing if you receive a diagnosis of skin cancer, particularly melanoma. It can be helpful to bring a friend or family member along for support at the time of diagnosis and treatment. You can also contact a free skin cancer support service Melanoma Focus on 1300 851 555 and speak to one of their clinical nurse specialists. You can also visit their website for more information on melanoma.

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